Do you have questions? We have answers.
Why visit an orthodontic specialist?
An orthodontist has completed additional training beyond a general dentist. They are highly trained to diagnose, evaluate, and offer you the best treatment option.
What happens during the initial complimentary consultation?
You will receive a comprehensive oral exam supported by orthodontic records including x-rays and photographs. Dr. Curtis or Dr. Bayer will review the findings and recommend treatment if necessary.
How long will my orthodontic treatment be?
The average time frame is 12-24 months. Both the treatment and the patient’s dental conditions determine your time frame.
How much will orthodontic treatment cost?
The cost of your treatment will depend on a variety of factors but rest assured we will discuss the cost and all of our flexible financing options before your treatment begins.
Are braces or Invisalign® uncomfortable?
Some patients experience a mild level of soreness while others do not feel any discomfort at all. Patients who experience soreness usually feel back to normal within a few days.
How much should I brush my teeth with orthodontic treatment?
We recommend brushing your teeth immediately after each meal to maintain them as healthy as possible. Remember healthy teeth respond best to treatment.